You may call The Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or email comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.


What a great community and outreach event Strawberry Festival is. For the 42nd time, the Festival organizers from Owego and surrounding areas created another spectacular event – bringing together families and individuals from far and wide to meet and greet, dance and sing, and have fun together. Such an amazing number of bands, an amazing number of people with smiling faces, and even Mother Nature smiled on us and gave her best weather. Our thanks to the local merchants, the newspaper, schools, police and fire departments, and the cooperation and generosity of local residents to help fund the festival, who worked together to make it another grand success.


I received a notice, which I didn’t want, from NYSEG, advising that they were restoring power. Per the National Weather Service, Tioga County’s maximum wind gust speed was 21 mph. Seven years ago, in March of 2017, we lost power when wind gusts hit 47 mph. At the same time Delaware County had wind gusts of 57 mph, and they didn’t lose power. Monday’s outage was not wind caused; it was lack of preventative maintenance as illustrated by so many trees substantially higher than power lines. Next time the power goes out in January, NYSEG will say the 30 mph wind gusts were an Act of God and deny legal liability for profiting by a lack of proper maintenance. And NYSEG will not allow the parents with a three-month infant to know approximately when power will be restored. 


There has been a car parked along the side of the road on Route 38 in Newark Valley for about a month. I didn’t know that you could use the shoulder of the road as a parking lot. Isn’t this a hazard?


I want to register a complaint about the condition of the railroad tracks on Route 38. The one going into Richford and the one near Stu Yetter’s garage keep getting worse and worse. The one just north of Berkshire is holding up fine. There are two on Brown Road, one of which is fine and the other is basically functioning as a speed bump.


If a pharmacy is one that delivers prescription drugs, saving you a trip to a brick and mortar pharmacy, it would seem to me THEY would be responsible to take the initiative and ultimately the responsibility regarding temperature control for those medications that are temperature sensitive. They have to know it is summer and there’s been a heat wave in most of the country! I’ve had chocolate, and also medication for pets, that were packed in Styrofoam with a cold pack during hot weather. Maybe you should find a more responsible pharmacy. Some delivery people are riding around in vehicles that are not air conditioned, or walking around in broiling temperatures themselves.


I’m quite certain there are good people working for the DEC. However, as is often the case with government jobs, there are those who take advantage of taxpayer funded generous benefits and policies that come with these jobs, and pretty much cruise the couple of decades until retirement. Also, agencies such as these are under pressure to concentrate on what makes a buck from fining said taxpayers, for the most part. The poor bear couldn’t be fined for being hungry and sticking its head somewhere it shouldn’t.


Who are the current County Representatives for District 6 and 7 for Tioga County? Or who has filed with the Board of Elections to be on the ballot. I see the map and there are vacant seats.


It would be nice if all things political were banned from future Owego parades.


Here are some suggestions for Owego planners: first of all, let’s have a Dunkin’ Donuts on the other side of Owego that you can drive through. The Pizza Hut place is falling in, where’s code enforcement? Let’s have it there or at the bank across from Grand Union where you can drive through. The other is to have an in-town farmers market. Newark Valley, Congratulations! On Sundays they do have an in-town farmers market. So handy, thank you so much. 


I just had a question about the QR code for the Save the Owego Strawberry. I would like to know if that is for the old strawberry or for the new strawberry before I donate. If somebody could please respond to the column that would be great because partially, we want to save the old one, the new one looks like a freaking hot pepper, not a strawberry. So it needs to go, the new one needs to go. 


I would like to thank the Town of the Owego Highway Department for paving Holmes Avenue, Waterman, and Owego Gardens. They did an incredible job! Thanks again. 


I get your Pennysaver every week. I enjoy Gail’s Tails. She takes care of the stray cats, which I can no longer do and do not help any of my neighbors, but I would be totally happy to send a donation. I’m sure others would if she had an address or post office box number or someplace we could send some money or a check to help out with the food, because it is so expensive. Thanks Gail, you’re doing a great job! 


There is a desperate need in Tioga County for home health care workers and respite workers. In many cases this would keep some people from going to a nursing home for a period of time, and save everyone money; the taxpayers, the county, everyone. Please, can an agency come to this county to provide home health care workers and respite workers? Thank you. 


I would just like to say a little thing about the scrap yard on West Main in Owego. They are really very nice people. I was there the other day. I cut my hand on my stuff, and they took care of it. Also, the girl looked at the receipt before she paid me and realized an error on the slip and she adjusted it, which was in my favor. They are just very nice people to work with and provide a great service to the community. Thank you. 


You are way off base about the Candor parade route and having to pick up garbage. I never blocked my Laundromat route; I saved spaces years ago for the handicapped people. I picked up garbage for 40 years before I sold it and on Halloween I picked up a lot of little candy papers. It won’t hurt you to pick up a little garbage, okay? You’re way off base on that and the meaning of it and you need to check your laws about the highway too. You need to be more informed on what that little road is, okay? It’s not a little road. 


Thank you Mike, at Carstar on 17C in Owego. Your kindness was very much appreciated! 


I have a 28×76 4 BD/2 Bath 2005 Redman Doublewide mobile home to donate to a needy family. Must pay to have it moved. Available after Nov. 1. Call (607) 972-4765.


National Political Viewpoints

“After months of insisting that Biden is mentally unfit, now Trump and his surrogates are saying Biden will perform well in the debate because he will be on drugs. There is no evidence that Biden has ever used performance-enhancing drugs; but curiously, Trump’s former White House physician, Ronny Jackson (whom Trump repeatedly misidentified as Ronny Johnson last week), gave Fox News Channel host Maria Bartiromo a very detailed list of drugs that could sharpen attention and clarity. One of the ones he mentioned, Provigil, was on the list of those widely and improperly distributed by the White House Medical Unit in the Trump White House.” — Heather Cox Richardson. June 23, 2024


A quick Google search brings up the website for NYSCAA (New York State Community Action Association). Broome County’s poverty rate is 18.7, Tioga County 9.3; pretty nearly exactly half. The top ten are listed; Tioga County is not in the top 10. The county with the lowest has a poverty rate of just a bit over 5%. If you want to figure out exactly where Tioga is compared to others, there is a link to download the complete (and lengthy) report. Hope this helps.


From 2008 – 2016, 13 elected Democrat legislators to Albany were convicted for crimes of kickbacks, tax evasion, theft, embezzlement, bribery, mail fraud and extortion, totaling $5,334,000. Also in the same time period, three Republicans were convicted; two for tax evasion at $96,000 and one for lying about aiding and abetting an employment position for a family member. All were convicted and served time in prison of 12 months to 14 years, and one on home arrest for six months. None lost their New York State pensions. It was revoked in 2015 when Albany realized they were annually paying out $1 million a year for convicted bureaucrats; but was then reinstated in 2017 by a public amendment, giving the court that discretion along with the right to reinstatement on appeal. Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, convicted on kickbacks, filed appeals from 2000 to 2015 before he reported to jail. Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos was convicted on kickbacks and died in prison. There is no record of repayment where money was reimbursed or those who suffered loss were made whole. In recent years, Andrew Cuomo, Brian Benjamin and Eliot Spitzer were also found to have received backdoor funds. In state-by-state ranking of the highest corruption, New York ranks number one, followed by California and Illinois, both Democrat enclaves.


Where is the outcry about the surcharge for credit card usage at many places (more each day) in New York State? Thanks a bunch, Governor! The economy is such that an increasing number of folks need to use credit cards more often and now have to pay 4% extra on top of the outrageous credit card interest charges, thanks to you. Once again, “Joe lunch box” gets taken to the cleaners (for an extra 4%); the very ones trapped in the state because they can’t afford to beat feet to somewhere livable. Keep voting Democrat.


Donald Trump admitted that he did lose the election. It was on tape. Is that enough proof for you people that still believe in the big lie? What will it take? The man came out and admitted it but you don’t want to accept it. It’s not what you want to hear. 


Donald Trump is a master of manipulation, lies, and deceit. He is filled with hatred and revenge. Beware Trumpsters, you may be sorry for what you asked for. 


Trump’s spiritual advisor admits to sexually abusing a 12-year-old. Robert Morris resigned from a Texas mega church praised by Trump. Ironically, Morris encouraged Texas Governor Greg Abbott to ban books in libraries that warned of child grooming practices. The increasingly obvious depravity of Trump’s cult members. 


Fox News’s own latest poll, conducted May 10 to the 13, shows President Biden with a two-point lead over Trump. Fox is priming viewers to question election results if Trump loses again. Trump has lost the popular vote twice. He was installed once by the Electoral College, but not by the majority of American voters. 


All of these deaths, these children, and these women raped and murdered, it’s disgusting. I blame each and every Democrat, senator, governor, and mayor, they should all be brought up on charges like that idiot in the White House. Obama should be prosecuted too. This was nonsense! You opened the door and you made your own people get killed. It’s just disgusting what you people have done to this country! 


Trump has let rich donors know his second term agenda is for sale. This is why billionaires are contributing huge sums, $25 million to just last week’s $50 million lump sums to Trump in exchange for Trump promising to further extend tax breaks for the mega wealthy. Trump has been, presently is, and always will be for sale. He has no actual policy agenda or proposals that will help the average American. He stated he would put a 10% tariff on all imported goods, which translates to a tax increase primarily affecting low to little income groups. 


The violent crime rate has fallen sharply after the Trump era. Of course, the crime rate increased recently by Trump finally being convicted of 34 felonies. Trump is now a convicted criminal himself. We do not want a criminal as president! 


There’s just no comparison to a Trump rally and a Biden get-together. I see Biden draws about 100 people who don’t seem very enthused about being there. My guess is they are being paid, but would much rather be somewhere else. And why is it everywhere I go people are complaining about the direction of this country?  


New Yorkers cast ballots in a state primary. What about upstate New York? Everything was uncontested! All of our places to vote were closed. Unbelievable! All of New York City got to vote, they surely did! 


When are the students going to realize Biden’s just looking for a vote? He’s going to wipe out your student loan? Come on; give me a break. It’s buying a vote! He knows it’s not legal; he can’t do that. He doesn’t have the authority to do that. He’s bull-crapping you people; he wants your vote! They’ll promise you a rose garden and crap in your hat just like they always do. Nothing’s going to change. Vote for me, I’ll guarantee you I’ll give you this. What they’re going to give you is worse than you’ve gotten already. Think about it, people, before you vote. 


So the crooked left wing Alan Bragg dismissed all charges against the nearly 40 thugs and hoodlums that raided Columbia, took over a building, and held a janitor hostage. There’s no evidence of any wrongdoing, which is the way Democrats rule in our country. Thank you, George Soros. What is wrong with you people? These people all have to go, and we’ve got to have some law and order in our country. Alan Bragg, you should be in prison. 

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