Stress Free Life; To be tension free pay attention within

Stress Free Life; To be tension free pay attention withinBrahma Kumaris Illustration.

By Sister Chirya —

Until about 25 years ago, the word stress was a term only used in science. Over time we started using it as an emotion to describe our state of mind. We say we are stressed, as an indicator we are working too long and hard or afraid of challenging situations.

However, stress is a result of creating wrong thoughts. It is an emotional pain that indicates something in us needs to change. But seeing others around us also going through stress, we tend to believe a little stress is okay, natural, in today’s times.

Not true! Stress negatively impacts our physical and emotional well-being, our efficiency, memory, decision making ability, and reduces our performance. Hence, any amount of stress is damaging.

Pressure refers to our Situations (like targets, deadlines, exams, goals, issues in health, relationships) divided by Resilience, our Inner Strength (like peace, joy, love, happiness, purity, power and wisdom). 

Stress Free Life; To be tension free pay attention within

Brahma Kumaris Illustration.

Stress is equal to Our Situations or Pressures divided by Our Resilience or Inner Strength. When our inner spiritual strength is low, even a small pressure creates high stress. By increasing our inner strength, resilience, we reduce stress.

Our state of mind, our thoughts and emotions, are the only entities in our control and give us the power to face any situation. What we accumulate and learn from the physical world is what blocks and clogs our heart.

Our first responsibility to become stress free is to add “a” to tension, and pay attention within to what is in our mind and heart. When we don’t pay attention, we unconsciously judge or blame people and situations, and this critical nature of negativity depletes our resilience.

We become tension free when we focus on people’s goodness and think pure thoughts. Our words and behaviors automatically become right, and all complaints about others finish.

Create the ‘I am a soul feeling’. The most important step towards becoming stress free is seeing oneself as a spiritual being housed and playing a part through a human physical body. The soul is energy of imperishable spiritual light and a natural storehouse of all our qualities and powers. It is me in soul consciousness whom is responsible for everything I do.

But what happens is we begin our actions, lose the importance and connection with the inner self, and start acting on a physical level. Then our resilience level diminishes, creating an increase in stress.

Stress Free Life; To be tension free pay attention within

Brahma Kumaris Illustration.

However, in meditation by remembering and connecting with our Spiritual Parent, the soul’s Father and Mother, we can emerge and experience these positive qualities and powers inside and remain at peace, in a contented state of mind. God’s love brings out the best from within and is a source of energy, inspiration, and inner spiritual strength, connecting me with my innate beauty.

Empowered, we no longer become stressed by being negatively influenced by situations and people.

(Yvonne Risely, of Owego, can be reached via email to or Sister Chirya is a student and teacher with the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University for over 40 years. She published Globally. Join Peace Village as they celebrate their 25th year of spiritual services this year. For details call [518] 589-5000 or visit

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